What we do

We do exactly what it says on the tin – we engage people. And here are just some of the ways that we do this:

Engagement and Consultation

We can work with you to develop impactful, meaningful, and inclusive engagement plans and deliver targeted and creative activities that achieve your goals and maximise involvement. We also carry out focused consultation to capture measurable and meaningful insight to inform decision-making and plans. We employ a range of methods for consultation including surveys, workshops, drop-ins, and facilitated conversation, using our coaching skills as a foundation for asking and listening.


Everyone has a story to tell. And, inspired by our experience of publishing collaborative books for charity (find out about these HERE) We support people to share their stories and reflections in writing or verbally. We then edit and collate these into a format to suit your needs. Find out more about this creative and fun engagement method HERE


We deliver accessible and engaging internal and external communications through activities such as PR, media relations, internal communications, and social media, across a range of communication channels. We can also work with you to hone your key messages and organisational or project narrative.


Want to focus your communications on a theme or single premise? Or, want to create a movement? We can help. We love coming up with creative, focused and engaging campaigns to achieve your outcomes and create a buzz about what you are doing.


We’re all about words. We have vast experience of writing content for online and offline communication channels. We can draft engaging and accessible copy for a range of formats including press releases, newsletters, websites, and annual reports.


We can lead and facilitate a range of conversations such as meetings, focus groups, away days, and workshops in an inclusive and engaging way. Using a range of techniques, we can ensure that everyone is empowered and supported to share their views, ideas, and stories, and is fully involved in what you are trying to achieve.


We can work with you to develop plans which are built upon meaningful activities to promote wellbeing in your organisation and empower your employees to protect their wellbeing. Working with trusted and expert partners, we also provide wellbeing workshops and training, including in the development of Wellbeing or Mental Health Champions.

Coaching and Mentoring

We provide 121 coaching which empowers individuals to identify their own solutions. We help people to be the best that they can be through coaching. We are also able to offer mentoring, particularly for managers who are keen to develop and move to the next level. And, we offer Maternity Coaching to support and empower women through maternity and beyond.